Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog II

Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog II


Disc 1

Perfect Collection Ys III

  1. Dancing on the Road
  2. A Premonition = Styx =
  3. Trading Village of Redmont
  4. Quiet Moments
  5. Welcome!!
  6. Prelude to the Adventure
  7. The Boy's Got Wings
  8. Be Careful
  9. Dark Beasts as Black as the Night
  10. Ilberns Ruins
  11. A Searing Struggle
  12. Snare of Darkness
  13. Shock of the Death God
  14. Quickening Dream
  15. Steeling the Will to Fight
  16. Tearful Twilight
  17. Varestine Castle
  18. Prayer for Love
  19. Radient Key
  20. Sealed Time
  21. Beat of Destruction
  22. Tower of Fate
  23. Behold!!
  24. The Strongest Foe
  25. Departure at Sunrise
  26. Wanderers from Ys
  27. Dear My Brother
  28. Darling Elena
  29. Introduction
  30. The Theme of Chester
  31. Chop!!
  32. Believe in My Heart
  33. Quiet Moments
  34. Twilight of Tears
  35. Radient Key
  36. Introduction
  37. Chop!!
  38. A Premonition = Styx =
  39. Commercial Town Redmont
  40. Snare of Darkness
  41. Behold!!

Ys Dramatic Concert

  1. Battle Battle Battle
  2. Adol Christin

Music From Dinosaur

  1. The Forsaken Ones

Preprimer 2

  1. Twinkling Boys
  2. Star Gazer
  3. Fly to the Star
  4. An Evening Star
  5. The Southern Cross
  6. Talk to the Moon
  7. Dream [Source of Song]
  8. Dancing Stars
  9. Lunar Memorial
  10. Star Gazer II

Perfect Collection Sorcerian

  1. Opening
  2. Where We Meet
  3. Pentawa I
  4. Pentawa II
  5. Dungeon
  6. Hydra
  7. Survivor
  8. Travelers' Inn (Lyrics)
  9. Forest
  10. Underground Dungeon
  11. Debitel Priest
  12. Sand Mariber
  13. Underground Dungeon
  14. Kraken
  15. Bloody River
  16. Desert
  17. Sand Castle
  18. Luwan and the Gold Dragon
  19. Travelers' Inn (Lyrics)
  20. Underworld
  21. Aboard Ship
  22. Pentawa I
  23. Evil Shaman
  24. Sorcerian Super Megamix Part 1

Disc 2

J.D.K. Band 2

  1. Speedy's Coming
  2. Moon Scape (Lyrics)
  3. Mysterious Moment (Lyrics)
  4. Shake Your Heads
  5. Lute
  6. Down the Wind (Lyrics)
  7. Kill or Cure
  8. The Judgment of Hell (Lyrics)
  9. Re-Collection (Lyrics)
  10. Over the Top

Perfect Collection Sorcerian Vol. 2

  1. Tower
  2. Underworld
  3. Rooftop
  4. Major Demon
  5. Shadow Dragon
  6. The Seal
  7. Dark Swamp
  8. Red Dragon
  9. Romancia Kingdom
  10. Castle Romancia
  11. Azelba Kingdom
  12. Vaides
  13. Forest
  14. Moss Giant
  15. Peaceful Forest
  16. Dungeon
  17. Gedis
  18. Blue Dragon
  19. Aboard Ship
  20. Landing Party
  21. Archdemon
  22. Oasis
  23. Ending II
  24. Combat
  25. Underground Dungeon
  26. Underground Dungeon
  27. Sorcerian Super Megamix Part 2

Falcom Vocal Collection I

  1. Sorcerian (Lyrics)
  2. Eyes Shining with the Light of Dreams (Lyrics)

Falcom Vocal Collection II

  1. Magical Heart (Lyrics)
  2. The Wind's Monolouge

Perfect Collection Sorcerian Vol. 3

  1. Village
  2. Combat Scene
  3. The Heavens
  4. Harp
  5. Evil Shaman
  6. Cave I
  7. Cave II
  8. Ekim
  9. Forest
  10. Village
  11. Medusa
  12. Underground Fortress
  13. Fire Elemental
  14. The Cave of Life
  15. Pounding Heart
  16. Double Devil
  17. King Dragon
  18. Ending I
  19. Ending II
  20. Harp
  21. Village
  22. Sand Castle
  23. Red Dragon
  24. King Dragon
  25. Sorcerian Super Megamix Part 3

Provincialism Ys

  1. Provincialism Ys (Virtuality Mix)

Falcom Nanba Collection

  1. First Step Towards Wars
  2. Tower of the Shadow of Death
  3. Field