The Legend of Heroes III
- CD Drama The Legend of Heroes III - The Mysterious Lake
- CD Drama The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch
- CD Drama The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch - The Legend Continues
- The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch Original Sound Track - First Part
- The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch Original Sound Track - Second Part
- The Legend of Heroes III Electric Orchestra
- The Legend of Heroes III Unknown Music & Brandish 3 Character Theme
- The Legend of Heroes III jdk Special 1
- The Legend of Heroes III jdk Special 2
- The Legend of Heroes Gagharv Trilogy White Witch Theme Song
- Music from The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch
- Symphonic Fantasy White Witch
- Very Best of The Legend of Heroes III
- A Happy Day
- A Mysterious Tale
- A Powerful Foe!!
- Afternoon at the Beach
- Ah...We Lost...
- Alluring Red Eyes
- An Afternoon at the Beach
- Another Tale of Heroes
- Badot
- Battle With Queen Isabelle
- Before the Battle With Queen Isabelle
- Before the Storm
- Captain Thomas' Feelings
- Castle Lude
- Checkpoint
- Coal Mine
- Darts
- Demise
- Dream
- Dulzel's Letter
- Dulzel's Letter (PS Version)
- Enter the Dark Beast
- Feel So Good
- Gambler
- Gidna
- Happy Comrades
- Here We Come to Save the Day!
- Heroes
- Heroes 2
- Hula Dancing All Night
- I Feel Like Captain Thomas
- In Memorial - Requiem -
- In the Wind
- Invasion
- Jurio
- Lagoon
- Legend of Heroes III
- Leone Fredrik Richter
- Let's Start, OK?
- Little Hereos - Winter's Coming -
- Little Heroes
- Little Heroes (PS Version Staff Roll)
- Little Heroes - Orgel -
- Little Heroes - Beyond the Blue Sky -
- Little Heroes - Jurio and Chris' Great Adventure
- Little Heroes - Music Box
- Loadi
- Lonely Fortress
- Lost Forest
- Love Shining Inside
- Love Shining Inside - Ending Version -
- Love in the Sparkling
- Lude Castle
- Memories of Gagharv
- Mountain Path
- Mysterious News
- Mystic Castle
- Ode to the Savior
- Oh, Defeat
- Oldos
- Oldos Cathedral
- One Happy Day
- One Man's Journey
- Ordos
- Ordos Cathedral
- Paen to a Visitor
- Plains
- Poison Swamp
- Prophecies
- Queen Isabelle
- Rage! Demi-Zubon
- Ragpick Village - Ending Version
- Raual
- Reminiscence - Requiem
- Rhodi
- Scars of Galga
- Seclusion
- Seduction by Red Eyes
- See Our Spirit!
- See Our Spirit! - Ah...Mean...
- Sharine
- Sharine & Goes
- Sora no Hate he
- Sora no Hate he (off vocal)
- Sorrowful Melody
- Spirit in our Eyes
- Spirit in our Eyes - So Cruel -
- Sunset
- The Aftermath of Gharga
- The Ceremonial Room
- The Good Witch
- The Great Battle of Bolt
- The Heroes of Legend
- The Little Heroes (Staff Credits)
- The Lost Woods
- The Lost Woods - Arrange
- The Lost Woods - Original
- The Path to Geld
- The Way of Heaven
- The White Witch Geld
- The White Witch Geld - A Noble Spirit
- The White Witch Geld - Tracks
- The White Witch of Tiraswheel
- To See My Spirit
- Together With the Wind
- Toki no Mukou Gawa
- Toki no Mukou Gawa (off vocal)
- Unrequited Love
- Waltz
- Waves of Catastrophe
- We're Lions, You're Dinner!!
- We're Lions, You're Dinner!! - Arrange
- We're Lions, You're Dinner!! - Original
- Who Has Sinned?
- Who's the Guilty One?
- Win!!
- Win!! - Arrange
- Win!! - Original
- With Admiration
- Your Courage, Your Eyes, Your Tenderness
- Ziggurat