The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch Original Sound Track - First Part
- CD: NW10102340 (1980 Yen)
[Nihon Falcom 2000-03-16]
Game Soundtrack
- The White Witch Geld
- Another Tale of Heroes
- Love in the Sparkling
- Little Heroes - Music Box
- We're Lions, You're Dinner!! - Original
- Win!! - Original
- Sharine & Goes
- Mountain Path
- Feel So Good
- Checkpoint
- Cave
- Sharine
- An Afternoon at the Beach
- A Happy Day
- I Feel Like Captain Thomas
- Who's the Guilty One?
- Happy Comrades
- Together With the Wind
- Little Heroes - Jurio and Chris' Great Adventure
- Let's Start, OK?
- Coal Mine
- The Aftermath of Gharga
- Rhodi
- Gambler
- Poison Swamp
- The White Witch Geld - Tracks
- Darts
- See Our Spirit! - Ah...Mean...
- Sorrowful Melody
- See Our Spirit!
- Before the Storm
- The Great Battle of Bolt
- A Powerful Foe!!
- Ah...We Lost...