Falcom Special Box 2004
Disc 1 (DVD-ROM) - Ys 6 Material Collection
Disc 2 (DVD-Video) - Ys 6 Movie Collection
Disc 3 - Ys 6 Original Soundtrack, Disc 1
- Olha
- Release of the Far West Ocean
- Gratitude for Nature's Blessings
- The Akindo
- Quatera Woods
- Mighty Obstacle
- Ultramarine Deep
- Reconciled People
- Windslash Steps
- Mountain Zone
- Ruins of Amnesia
- The Zemeth Sanctum
- Overwater Drive
- The Pirate Ship
- Escape from the Maelstrom - Invasion of the Romn Fleet
Disc 4 - Ys 6 Original Soundtrack, Disc 2
- Under the Occupation
- The Fleet of Romn
- Defend! And Escape!
- The Successor of Almarion
- The Ark of Napishtim Restored - The Maelstrom Reborn
- The Ruins City "Kishgal"
- Pressure Stairs
- Armored Bane
- Ernst
- Black Ark Unveiled
- The Depth Napishtim
- The Ark of Napishtim Destroyed
- Zeime's Protection
- Spread Blue View
- The Moonset Shore
- So Much for Today
Bonus Track
Disc 5 - Legend of Xanadu Original Soundtrack, Disc 1
- Start Screen
- Open Sesame
- Peaceful Living
- The Spiral Stair of Hope
- Prologue
- The Beginning of the Legend
- Ikthia - The Summer of Youths
- Welcome
- Shop
- The Sleeping Cave
- Dawn of Makria
- The Awakening of the Sealed Ones
- One Who Disturbs the Slumber
- Vomit
- Song of Victory
- Theo & Melleina
- The Church
- Until We Can Meet
- Ship
- The Cave of Despair
- The Power of Friendship
- Meidouble
- Forever
- The Road to Victory
- Xarkas
- Castle Makria
- Trap
- Defeat Your Old Nemesis
- Jemeux Mouvais
- Kakos
- Makria in Celebration
- Legend of the Wind
- The Evil Dragon Reborn
- A Deep Enigma
- Black Light
- Yeti
- The Ice Cave
- Arctic Wind
- Glacies
- New Companions
- Prisme
Disc 6 - Legend of Xanadu Original Soundtrack, Disc 2
- The Demon of the Lake
- Toon Temple
- A False God
- Toon
- The Silent Shore
- Attending to the Royal City
- The Cave of Fascination
- A Beautiful Prize
- Beauty is a Crime
- Sophia
- Parthia Port
- The Voice of the Sacred Wind
- Wedding
- Beneath the Temple
- Parthia
- The Smile of the Breeze
- The Whisper of the Breeze
- Sophia (PSG Version)
- Aineas
- The Cursed Beauty
- Alexandra
- The Holy Sword of Legend
- Winds of Gried
- The Pirates' Song - Arios Version
- The Pirates' Song - Nous Version
- Gymnos
- Zead (PSG Version)
- Burning Saranda
- Lemini Drago
- Zead
- Enas
- Dakru
- Through Ice and Snow
- The Ice Tower
- A Castle Without a Master
- I Am Flybrute
- The Successor
- Ramabard
- I Hope We Can Meet
- Thoughts, Once More
- With Wind
- A Bird Crossing the Desert
- The Gods of the Four Winds
- Com-plex-i-ty - Pyular
- Harp
- Harp - Hearer
- Desert Wind
Disc 7 - Legend of Xanadu Original Soundtrack, Disc 3
- Village of the Dragonflies
- Code of the Hero
- Rialla
- In the Name of Ishtar
- Power Greater than God Himself
- Brothers - The Blood of Aineas
- The Holy Spirit
- Wings of Pride
- Silent Tower
- Chaotic Sanctuary
- The Ordeal
- In Search of Hope
- Dardandis
- Wings of Darkness
- Companions and Reunions
- Kleene
- Wings of Freedom
- Ending
- Like a Wind
- In the Wind