Legend of the Romantic Empire ~ Romancia Legend of the Romantic Empire

CD: TOCT-6013 2913 Yen
[Toshiba EMI 2.20.1991]

  1. Prolouge
  2. Theme of Romancia
  3. A Wind Blows Through Elbis
  4. Sound Movie "Romancia" Part One
  5. Sound Movie "Romancia" Part Two
  6. The Lord of Fire
  7. Selina
  8. Orchestral Movement "The Holy Sword"
  9. Toy Girl
  10. Distant Romancia

Toy Girl / Mina Tominaga TOY GIRL
Mina Tominaga

CD: TODT-2706 903 Yen
[Toshiba EMI 7.19.1991]

  1. Toy Girl
  2. Toy Girl (Karaoke)
  3. For Those of You Who Can't Get Up in the Morning
  4. For Those of You Who Can't Leave an Answering Machine Message
  5. For Those of You Who Don't Sleep Well
  6. For Those of You Who Are Alone on Your Birthdays
  7. For Those of You Who Are Down in the Dumps
  8. For Those of You Who Eat Alone
  9. For Those of You Who Come Home to an Empty House
  10. For Those of You Who Can't Say No to Salesmen

CD: BY30-5176 3000 Yen
LP: AY-2511 2500 Yen
TAPE: KSF-1500 2500 Yen
[Appolon Music Manufacturing 11.21.1987]

  1. Opening Gate of Romancia
  2. Song of Romancia
  3. Song of Azorba ~ Waltzing Celestial Waltz
  4. Secret Amazing Maze ~ Castle to Castle
  5. Ending Theme
  6. Traveler in Dreams
  7. Zephyr of Romancia
  8. Original Game Soundtrack Medly (Famicom Version)