The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch Original Sound Track - Second Part

The Legend of Heroes III - The White Witch Original Sound Track - Second Part

CD: NW10102350
1980 Yen
[Nihon Falcom Corp. 2000/03/16]


Game Soundtrack

  1. A Mysterious Tale
  2. We're Lions, You're Dinner!! - Arrange
  3. Win!! - Arrange
  4. Waltz
  5. One Man's Journey
  6. Hula Dancing All Night
  7. The Lost Woods - Original
  8. The Lost Woods - Arrange
  9. Oldos
  10. Oldos Cathedral
  11. Paen to a Visitor
  12. Raual
  13. Ghidona
  14. Seduction by Red Eyes
  15. Badatt
  16. Memories of Gagharv
  17. Dream
  18. Invasion
  19. The Path to Geld
  20. Reminiscence - Requiem
  21. Lude Castle
  22. Enter the Dark Beast
  23. The Ceremonial Room
  24. Before the Battle With Queen Isabelle
  25. Battle With Queen Isabelle
  26. The White Witch Geld - A Noble Spirit
  27. Little Heroes - Beyond the Blue Sky
  28. Seclusion
  29. Durzel's Letter
  30. Ragpick Village - Ending Version
  31. Leone Fredrik Richter
  32. Heroes 2
  33. Little Hereos - The Arrival of Winter
  34. The White Witch of Tirasweel

Bonus Track

  1. Little Heroes (PS Version Staff Roll)