The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki the 3rd Evolution Original Soundtrack
Disc 1
- Cry for Me, Cry for You (Opening Version)
- Luxury Airship "Lusitania"
- Assault
- Singularity of the Origin
- The Stone of Recluse
- Uninvited Guests
- Fighting Right On
- This Is the Real Power!
- The Garden of Recluse
- The Circular Corridor
- Determination of Fight
- Close to the Brink
- Genuine Devil
- Oh Goddess, Have Mercy...
- Cradle Where Feelings Rest
- Parallel Universe
- The Castle at Dusk
- I've Forgotten You
- Golden Road, Silvery Road
- Something Precious
- Illusionary Blue Flower
- A Still World
- Beard the Lion in His Den
- The Crimson Stigma
- The King of Shadows
- Labyrinth of Light and Shadow
- The Black Ark
- Aster House
Disc 2
- Reminiscences
- Stairway to Gehenna
- The Abyss
- Masquerade of Lies
- The Last Choice
- Overdosing Heavenly Bliss
- Majestic Appearance Towering in the Wilderness
- Phantom Castle "Phantasmagoria"
- In the Manner of God
- Cry for your Eternity
- Banquet of frenzy
- Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land
- To Meet Again Someday
- Sora O Miagete Ending Version
- A Faint Glitter of Light
- Wildcat's Counteroffensive Operation
- Forever Great Angler King
- Till the Night of Glory
- Mood of the Goddess Depends On Luck
- Sora No Nazo Ha Kiseki De Pon!
- Cry for Me, Cry for You