The Legend of Heroes VI - Sora no Kiseki SC Original Sound Track
Disc 1
- Silver Will, Golden Wings (Game Opening Version)
- Welcome to Le Locle
- Strepitoso Fight
- Fight with Assailant
- The Feeling of Dancing With the Wind SC ver.
- Obstructive Existence
- Feeling Danger Nearby
- Looking Up at the Sky
- Conspiracy
- If You Can't Beat Them...
- Visions
- The Dream Continues
- A Lurking Shadow in the Wilderness
- Enormous Fright
- Infiltration
- Heartless Surprise Attack
- The Flying Battleship Glorius
- Etude of the Ruin
- Gospel Project
- Hamel
- Looming Threat
- The Fate of the Fairies
- Hoshi no Arika Instrumental Ver.
Disc 2
- The Hidden True Form
- The Enforcers
- Fateful confrontation
- The Greatest Treasure Set Loose
- Town Where the Lamp Lights Went Out
- Gin no Ishi Super Arrange Version
- In the Favor of the Goddess
- Broken Wings
- Floating City Liber Arc
- Aiming for That Future
- Central Tower [Access Pillar]
- A Gravestone Struck by Lightning
- The Truth Behind the Tragedy
- Outskirts of Evolution
- The Merciless Savior
- Back to Your Friends
- A Wish's Whereabouts
- Where the Bonds Are
- I Swear...
- Shine of Eidos ~Sora no Kiseki~
- Silver Will, Golden Wings